Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1


Today I went to the gym for my workout! I did an hour on the elliptical which burned 760 calories. I wanted to stay on for 30 minuntes longer, but my calves were buuurrrning! After the elliptical, I jumped on the treadmill just to cool down a little bit. I was on there for 15 minute and burned 60 more calories. Then I finished off with a nice little 5 mile bike ride. All in all, I burned around 925 calories (according to the machines... but I never trust that number!)


Breakfast: 1/4 cup egg whites with a sprinkle of low fat cheddar cheese, 2 slices wheat toast & crystal light.
Lunch: lean cuisine (300 calories)
Snack: greek yogurt
Dinner: grilled chicken, carrots & 1/2 cup mashed potatoes
Dessert: 100 calorie pudding cup


I need to make sure I eat more... Although I'm trying to lose weight, I know it's important to eat enough because of all the calories I'm burning! I think that's what my problem has been over the past couple weeks. I never eat the right amount, but I'm working on it!


  1. you go girlfriend! proud of you :-) today is definitely a weightloss day! woo hoo!

  2. i'm so proud of YOU! thank you for encouraging me to start this little journey with you :)

  3. you're welcome! i just found this btw-- wanted to share it with you!


    A Word to the Wise

    While you may find a number of 1,200 calorie diets around, it's important to remember that cutting your calories too low may actually lead to weight plateaus.

    There is a "starvation mode" phenomenon that happens where your body actually withholds the calories you take in for later use -- basically, it saves them up because it "thinks" you're starving. You could end up eating much less and weighing the same ... and you could do serious damage to your health.

    Plus, if you're hungry all the time, you're less likely to stick to it and more likely to binge.


    You probably already know that, but I just wanted to share! xoxo

  4. thanks for sharing that! i knew most of it just from learning about it in school, but i didn't know the severity of it! looks like i'll be tracking my calories more carefully from now on...
