Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day....? Lets call it 12. 12 is my favorite number ;)

Well helllooo there blog world. Let me start by saying that I am SO EXTREMELYYYYY sorry for abandoning you! I thought my sickness was getting better, then it got bad again... It all started with my throat, then my nose, and then my stomach! Feeling like you have to throw up is the worst! But I THINK I am better now! Lets hope this healthy-ness stays with me!

Breakfast: 1/2 wheat english muffin with peanut butter & grape jelly and coffee with skim milk and truvia
Snack #1: greek yogurt with strawberries - yuuuuuum
Lunch: 1/2 multigrain bagel with plain cream cheese
----- okay so i've been eating a lot of bagels lately.. but this is just because i commute to school and have to bring my lunch. i got tired of bringing pb&j sandwiches!
Snack #2: special k granola bar
Dinner: spagetti with meatsauce and a litttle baby cocktail
Dessert ?

Lifeeeee --Yep so I've spent most of my days laying down haha.. I couldn't even go shopping when asked. That's when you KNOW I'm sick. Awful! Yesterday though, I went to the movies and saw Just Go With It with Jennifer Aniston (I didn't go WITH Jennifer Aniston, she was IN the movie) ;) Needed to clear that up. It was HILARIOUS. Ooopers, you gotta see it!

Also - I think I'm going to start posting recipes on here... and then I'll cook it and take pictures for you :) That shall be a fun adventure!!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

What day is it....?

I have been SO extremely sick for the past 5 days... Thursday, Friday, and Saturday have been the worst of the days. I couldn't even begin to tell you what I've been eating. I haven't worked out since WEDNESDAY because of this. I've been in bed for the majority of the past few days.

I'm hoping that I'm completely better by tomorrow (Monday) so that I'll be able to hit the gym... I feel so weak and slugglish right now. I'll get back to my normal eating today!

Breakfast: special k cereal with skim milk & coffee with light cream and truvia.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

DAY 11

EXERCISE: Most likely taking the day off... I've been doing pretty well with working out all week, so I deserve to have the afternoon off!


Breakfast: coffee with light cream and splenda, egg white omelette

Snack: greek yogurt

Lunch: multigrain bagel with cream cheese, special k cracker chip things

Snack: special k granola bar



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

day 10

Day 10?

Wow has it already been 10 days? Weird! I'm super sick today. But I'll be dragging myself to the gym anyways... even though I can't breathe and might die. It's fine.

FITNESS: Going to the gym at 12... we'll see. UPDATE: ummm okay just got back from the gym. did 40 mins on elliptical and 20 on bike.. then stretched for 10. proud that i did it!

FOOD: Ummm I need comfort food today... just sayin

Breakfast: half a multigrain bagel with cream cheese

Lunch: lean cuisine




FUN: I went to the bank. jealous?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

day 9


FITNESS: Went to the gym and did ellptical for an hour... I should have stayed longer but this cold is kicking my ass. It's hard to workout with a sore throat - it makes everything harder!


Breakfast: egg white on flatbread from DD (less than 300 and totally delicious) and a hazelnut iced coffee with splenda and light cream

Lunch: left over pad thai (only a little bit) and a granola bar

Snack: special k bar

Dinner: chicken, baked potato, corn --- deeeeliciiiiouuussss

Dessert: skinny cow ice cream bar!

On my mind: I'm still dealing with all kinds of Biggest Loser drama... I just found out that my mom doesn't weight enough to be my partner and they are really leaning towards partners rather than singles. I just don't know what to do. I'm so discouraged because I want this so bad. I know I can do it on my own, but I want to get on the show so I can inspire people. I want to represent the entire state of Maine. The casting director told me to let her know if I somehow come up with a partner because she and another CD said they "both see something in me that's incredible" I'm praying that someone randomly comes along...

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm calling this Day 6... Even though it's more like day 8 (but I kind of gave up on everything this weekend... Monday = fresh start!)

WORKOUT --- Just got back from the gym... 1 hour on elliptical (710 cals) and 20 mins on bike (100 cals)

FOOD ---

Breakfast: Bagel w/butter -- I would typically have special k cereal on a day like today, but I woke up feeling extra hungry. Also, the bagel will give me more fuel at the gym!

Snack: low-fat popcorn

Lunch: grilled chicken & more popcorn? gross.

Snack: granola bar

Dinner: pad thai with chicken

Dessert: tiny baby cupcake

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

day 5



I don't know when I'm going to have time to go to the gym!! I'm going to NH today with my uncle and little babyyyy cousin (Henry) to visit some fam... soooo it depends on what time we get home whether or not I can go to the gym!


Breakfast: I went out to breakfast this am with Alex.. @ Mister Bagel. I had a breakfast sandwich (egg, ham, cheese) on the "outer shell" of a bagel.. i take the middle out! takes out a bunch of calories ;)
Lunch: TBD.. but I think my uncles bringing me to Rapid Rays on the way... OH NO!!! You're gonna be jealous of my chocolate milk with the big straw, i know ;)
Snack: TBD
Dinner: TBD
Dessert: TBD


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 4



I went to the gym todayyyy and did the elliptical for an hour... burned approx 740 cals! :)


Breakfast: Iced coffee with light cream and splenda & egg whites on a wheat flatbread (under 300 cals and totally delicious.)
Snack #1: Greek yogurt
Lunch: Bagel with a tiny amount of cream cheese
Snack #2: Fiberone granola bar
Dinner: chicken on wheat wrap.. i ate dinner at britt's house tonight!
Dessert: coconut?!


Alriiiighhhttt so yesterday I had an up and down kind of day. I got some news that I didn't want to hear, but it's all good now. I am living with the mindset that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I need to drill that into my brain. I've basically come to the conclusion that BL isn't going to work out, because of something the casting director told me... So that means I have to work extra hard ON MY OWN. I know I can do this. It's a mental game. Believe it, be it. I GOT THIS.

Day 3


Okay I don't know why I didn't write in here yesterday! (but neither did you, S, so it's fine ;) ) I forgive us!!

Lets see... yesterday was a snow day for me... so my eating was a little on the weird side. AND my gym was closed. BUMMER!!! That just means I'll be doing extra cardio today :)

Breakfast: 2 Pancakes - WHO eats pancakes? really though.. I'd never really had them before. hahaha SERIOUSLY. i wasn't even a fan. never again.

Lunch: Homemade chicken soup - perrrrfect for a snow day!

Snack: Special K chip/cracker things. Sour cream and onion flavor, totally recommend!!

Dinner: 1/2 cup wheat spaghetti and a meatball

Dessert: a little baby pudding cup with a dollop of cool whip ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Day 2


Not completely sure if I'm going to workout today... I normally take Tuesdays off because they're such busy days, but I ended up skipping my second class... Maybe I'll do an hour on the treadmill tonight?!


Breakfast: multigrain bagel w/1.5 tbsp cream cheese... this is NOT a typical breakfast for me. way too many calories, but i needed it this morning.
Snack #1: caramel fiber-one granola bar (my favorite!)
Lunch: tuna sandwich (ummm, good thing YOU weren't the one eating this - don't worry, i still remember your HUGE allergy!!)
Snack #2: lowfat microwave popcorn- the healthy kind, promise!
Dinner: tbd.
Dessert: tbd.


Okay so I didn't get any sleep last night. My brain was running for all of the hours I layed in my bed starring at my ceiling. I was just thinking about how badly i NEED this. i need to lose this weight more than anything in the world. specifically, i NEED to get on the biggest loser. i've never wanted something so badly in my entire life. i'm waiting for the 2nd casting director to get back to me today... i have 2 people on my side from the casting offices, so i'll take that as a good sign.

As of this morning, I've lost 8 lbs from when I started a few weeks ago. I'm finding it hard not to get emotional right now. I have such a long way to go... This is hard for me to say, but I haven't weighed under 200 lbs since I was in 6th grade. I can't even imagine how it's going to feel when the day comes that I reach 199. I know that sounds crazy because that's still a VERY big number.. but it's what I'm aiming for. But that day won't come for a while :-\

I just have to stay positive and hope that everything with BL works out in my favor. I want it so bad that I can practically taste it. I'm going to leave with this -- everything happens for a reason.