Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day....? Lets call it 12. 12 is my favorite number ;)

Well helllooo there blog world. Let me start by saying that I am SO EXTREMELYYYYY sorry for abandoning you! I thought my sickness was getting better, then it got bad again... It all started with my throat, then my nose, and then my stomach! Feeling like you have to throw up is the worst! But I THINK I am better now! Lets hope this healthy-ness stays with me!

Breakfast: 1/2 wheat english muffin with peanut butter & grape jelly and coffee with skim milk and truvia
Snack #1: greek yogurt with strawberries - yuuuuuum
Lunch: 1/2 multigrain bagel with plain cream cheese
----- okay so i've been eating a lot of bagels lately.. but this is just because i commute to school and have to bring my lunch. i got tired of bringing pb&j sandwiches!
Snack #2: special k granola bar
Dinner: spagetti with meatsauce and a litttle baby cocktail
Dessert ?

Lifeeeee --Yep so I've spent most of my days laying down haha.. I couldn't even go shopping when asked. That's when you KNOW I'm sick. Awful! Yesterday though, I went to the movies and saw Just Go With It with Jennifer Aniston (I didn't go WITH Jennifer Aniston, she was IN the movie) ;) Needed to clear that up. It was HILARIOUS. Ooopers, you gotta see it!

Also - I think I'm going to start posting recipes on here... and then I'll cook it and take pictures for you :) That shall be a fun adventure!!


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