Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 4



I went to the gym todayyyy and did the elliptical for an hour... burned approx 740 cals! :)


Breakfast: Iced coffee with light cream and splenda & egg whites on a wheat flatbread (under 300 cals and totally delicious.)
Snack #1: Greek yogurt
Lunch: Bagel with a tiny amount of cream cheese
Snack #2: Fiberone granola bar
Dinner: chicken on wheat wrap.. i ate dinner at britt's house tonight!
Dessert: coconut?!


Alriiiighhhttt so yesterday I had an up and down kind of day. I got some news that I didn't want to hear, but it's all good now. I am living with the mindset that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I need to drill that into my brain. I've basically come to the conclusion that BL isn't going to work out, because of something the casting director told me... So that means I have to work extra hard ON MY OWN. I know I can do this. It's a mental game. Believe it, be it. I GOT THIS.


  1. what?! text me and tell me!

    you can DEFINITELY do this! WE can do this! i'll be here every step of the way! <3

  2. i'll text you! WE are in this together. nothing is going to stop us! it's SOOOOO much better being on this hard journey with such a special friend :)
